Graze doesn't fully function in Opera on Mac
under review
Belgian Waffle
When installing Graze on Firefox or Opera on a MacBook, it seems to get past the authorization window on Firefox and allows me to sign in to multiple accounts and change settings. But on Opera, it authorizes me and functions as it should, but the popup reverts back to asking my instance name and doesn't let me change any settings.
Jared Zimmerman
Confirmed this is not working, will check again with v1.5 but its not an active area of focus for me.
Belgian Waffle
Jared Zimmerman Sorry for belated reply, but thanks for looking into it. It's great to use with Firefox in the meantime!
Jared Zimmerman
under review
Jared Zimmerman
Opera is on the “kinda” supported list. In nearly all cases where people mention lack of browser support it usually has to do with other extensions you have installed (usually ad blocking or high security lockdown type extensions) I’ve never seen the issue you’re experiencing with login being successful then it being forgotten, but it does sound like something related to caching or sandboxing that the browser is doing.